Find a niche which has a great potential to make money online and make content based on it. This is one of the effective way to make money online.

We know that amazon is a major of e-commerce website with over 270+million products available for sale every single day. Also they have significance global presence to cater shopping needs of people in different countries .

As a person who want to make money online the factor which should attract you is Amazon is willing to pay you up to 10% commissions of everything you sell as an affiliate commission. This is a huge opportunity if you use it properly.

Find A Niche With

In this article we are explaining the strategy you  can implement find a niche with amazon which are hot with website. This help you to build an online business around this niche and earn commission by growing the business.

Amazon can work for you, to help you to identify the hot selling products and segments. For this you can create a niche website around this hot selling product and build up contents based on the related keywords.

As an example let us assume that you need to build niche website targeting fitness niche .Follow the below steps to find a niche to target.

Step 1.

First Visit go to sports & outdoor

Step 2
Click on the Sports & Fitness
Step 3
Now Sports & Fitness page is accessible to you . You can see best selling products in the niche. Now select one product which you feel has a potential . Let us assume that you selecting Sports Wristbands
Step 4

Now we know that this brand of sports wristband  is selling hot on amazon, but now we need to know how  many searches  this item has in google to understand the potential.So visit google keyword planner and identify the search history and data of the keyword sports wristbands.

Build A Niche Website

If you feel that the keyword planner shows enough potential for that keyword you can build niche website just around sports wristbands.But when you search in the keyword planner look for all kind of related keywords which people are searching and its volume .

Scroll down the bottom of the result page to check all related keywords and volume.

This is how  you can create a  niche website by targeting a  niche market. Create quality content around this keyword to rank it on google . Optimize the page for high search engine ranking and earn money online through method.


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