Samsung Smart TV is available in the entertainment market for some time and increasing its market share through innovative models.
The Samsung 8000 series really is a revolution in home viewing. With its huge LED screens you are able to watch movies and TV in HD on its super bright LED screen.
The Samsung ES8000 also comes fully equipped with 4 pairs of 3D glasses and with a screen that is only 1.25 inches thick, you will always be a part of the action.
Samsung Smart TV Is Revolution in Connectivity
The Samsung ES8000 boasts dual core processors, which allows you to multi task whenever and however you wish – keeping you constantly, connected.
The built in LAN WIFI and Smart Applications Hub allows you to connect to Facebook, You Tube, Skype and a whole lot more right there on your TV.
The Samsung ES8000 makes sure you are always connected to what; and to whom, matters the most.
Interactive Entertainment Gadget
With profile, voice and gesture recognition this is one awfully Smart TV! The built in HD camera allows you to control and command your TV without having to use a remote – giving a whole new meaning to shouting at your TV.
The Samsung ES8000 takes it one step further with the inclusion of Samsung Signature Services – which allow you to sync with your mobile devices, keep track of your gym schedule, chat with family and friends and keep track of your children’s learning with the Kids education apps.
Revolution in Home Entertainment
Whether you are a cinefile and gamer or you are just a home entertainment enthusiast then the Samsung ES8000 Smart TV may well be the television of your dreams.
With regular online automatic software updates and a major update chip released yearly – The Samsung 8000 series will keep you constantly up to date in the world of home entertainment.